In article <7h8v9l$dm4$>, "Jean-Pierre Rosen" wrote: > a �crit dans le message > <7h7h9a$jdf$>... > >True. But as far as I have seen you don't *need* dynamic dispatch if > you > >aren't using a collection. The only other use for it I can see is to > >redispatch out of a classwide operation, but I have yet to need that. > Is > >there something I'm missing? > > > OK. A good example of a collection is an heterogenous file (thanks to > streams). You can read the data and then dispatch to process them > depending on their specific types. Where do you see pointers ? Hmm. Yes, you have a point there. I would point out that it seems silly to use streams for the sole purpose of implementing a collection, except that I did just that a couple months ago... -- T.E.D. --== Sent via ==-- ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---