David Botton a �crit dans le message : 373635DA.EA07F905@Botton.com... > So how does this make Java better? If Ada is compiled to byte code and > has use of all the Java APIs, JDKs, etc. > > Perhaps the debate should be is the JVM environment / script engine > better then say the native machine / OS combination and direct bindings. > This is indeed something I completly agree. What is good in this new technology is the JVM (this is just a new OS, well software OS), Java is just a new language that is far better than C/C++ but I still like Ada better. Most of the features added/removed from C/C++ in Java were in Ada! This is why I see all the Ada to JVM compilers has very important for the Ada world. We *must* have an Ada compiler for this new OS as I think it is very important to have an Ada compiler under Windows as more and more developpers are going this way... Pascal.