paene lacrimavi postquam "Pascal Obry" scribavit: >billy@no_spam_please a �crit dans le message <7c4dr6$>... >>I think Ada is a wonderfull language also. However in the commerical world, >>when I tell my boss that I'd like to write something in Ada, they refuse, >>they want me to use C or Perl or Java or C++. [ ... ] >Just because I don't want you to feel alone. >I had the very same problem during 6 years. Same here. What I do is use Ada on any stand-alone project that I can. It's not much, and it's not using the language to its full potential, but it's all I have at the moment. Sigh. On the bright side, an Ada program I wrote for my last company is still chugging away (it was a database specification compiler, and I just *happened* to have a bunch of compiler writing Ada components on hand). At least, they haven't taken advantage of my "Free Support for One Year" offer yet. cheers, Fraser.