billy@no_spam_please a �crit dans le message <7c4dr6$>... > >I think Ada is a wonderfull language also. However in the commerical world, >when I tell my boss that I'd like to write something in Ada, they refuse, >they want me to use C or Perl or Java or C++. > >Even co-workers, who are all C-type programmers (sorry, no offense intended), >look funny at me when I suggest we try Ada. I tried one time to argue >technical detailes with a supervisor about the language and to compare >it to C, but he was not interested to even listen. > >So, I am sitting here debugging C code where I would be much happier (and also >more productive) using Ada, but I need to pay the rent as they say. Just because I don't want you to feel alone. I had the very same problem during 6 years. Pascal.