Daniel Wengelin a �crit dans le message <01be693b$a87772e0$314d3a8b@nt-dawe>... >Greetings, >I digged up an old aflex/ayacc distribution (1.4) from Arcadia and tried to >compile it with Ada95. I found one problem (Character'Last) but my quick >fix didn't come out very well. > >Does anyone know if there is a more recent version of aflex/ayacc?? > >There appears to be a Gnat-beta born -95. Is that the most recent? You'll find a aflex/ayacc port for GNAT under my homepage. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pascal_obry/contrib.html There is also many other components. Pascal. --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member | --| | --| EDF-DER-IPN-SID- T T I | --| Intranet: http://cln46gb | --| Bureau N-023 e-mail: pascal.obry@edf.fr | --| 1 Av G�n�ral de Gaulle voice : +33-1- | --| 92141 Clamart CEDEX fax : +33-1- | --| FRANCE | --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --| http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pascal_obry --| --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"