In article <7abh8g$bvh$>, wrote: > Well, the device on the other end is fixed at 9600 8N1. The PC will be > running Windows NT 4.0 and our software, nothing else. We had naively assumed > the settings in the Control Panel would be used as defaults, however the > ports always default to 1200 7E1 no matter we set in the Control Panel. I > have no idea what Windows uses those settings for... (I am talking about > Einstellungen- Systemsteuerung-Anschl�sse on German NT, not sure about the > English name) I noticed the same behavior in NT 3.51. I'm saddened to see they didn't fix it. T.E.D. -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own