"Larry Kilgallen" a �crit dans le message news: 0TDoe8bALz3g@eisner.encompasserve.org... >The point is that nobody (including you, it would > seem) has a solid business model to achieve that goal. > > When I say "business model", I mean to include "Nicolas write them all > and convinces all Ada compiler vendors to distribute them". But even that > model has trouble at the "convinces all Ada compiler vendors" stage. May be I'm not very clear about my point, but I'll try to be some more : Ada is one of my current tools. I'm an Ada user and an Ada compiler vendor customer. I don't have to define, and don't care about defining, the business model of Ada solution providers. My problem is to know if Ada will still be the right tool for my purpose in a few years from now. Or if I have to be prepared to drop this specific tool. If I need a TV set, and if one TV set vendor doesn't have a product which satisfies me, I'm not going to teach him which business model he should adopt. I'm simply going to chose another vendor.