Hello, I tried to port a larger OpenGL application developed with ObjectAda for Windows to GNAT 3.11. When executing, an error occurs, which implies that the OpenGL part of the Win32Ada binding has not been set up properly. The message is: The Dynamic Link Library glaux.dll could not be found on the given path ... I never saw glaux.dll. To execute OpenGL applications on Windows you need the 2 dlls opengl32.dll and glu32.dll. The ObjectAda distribution contains the 2 relatively small lib-files opengl32.lib and glu32.lib and a huge glaux.lib. So I suppose, that all the code for glaux is in the lib and no corresponding dll exists. Looking into the linked executable shows some other peculiarities. The import table shows, that functions are referenced from glaux.dll that are referenced from other dlls in the corresponding ObjectAda executable, e.g. CreateWindowExA (normally user32.dll) wglMakeCurrent (normally opengl32.dll) glBegin (normally opengl32.dll) and many others... So what is wrong with the OpenGL binding? Has anybody sucessfully used GNAT to build an OpenGL application on Windows? A minor problem is, that the archive files only contain features of OpenGL Version 1.0. My original program used some features from Version 1.1. So I got some link errors as the following functions could not by found: glBindTexture glGenTextures glIsTexture But I could write my code without these texture functions. Thanks for any hints. Joachim Schr�er AMST-Systemtechnik GmbH Postbox 3 A-5282 Ranshofen, Austria Tel.: (++)43 7722 892 30 E-Mail: schroeer@amst.co.at