"Mr. J." a �crit dans le message news: fc116fae.0311210231.d4a9515@posting.google.com... > type Index is new Integer; > type Item is new Character; > type Arr is Array(1..23) of character; > > function Filter_String is new Filter_Array(Index,Item,Arr,"="); > > As U all experts guessed it won't compile, my question is how to pass > the array of character to my new function ? > In Ada, all types must match *exactly*. Therefore, you must define Arr as: type Arr is array (Index range 1..23) of Item; (1..23 has type Integer, not Index. And Item is a type different from Character). -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr