In article <782j05$if5$>, "Peter Hend�n" wrote: > wrote: > Agreed, but making decisions - whether by vote or > decree - on every detail of style is not the emblem > of a very productive group. Some style differences > simply don't matter enough to offset the negative > effect of enforcing style (ie. those mistakes that > are made because the individual has to change > his style). > > Regards, > Peter That's more a matter of how this is handled from a management point of view. Here at ACT, these decisions have been made very easily, and the resulting uniformity of style is an important contribution to our very high productivity. People have a little trouble adjusting, but the benefits of standardization are considerable. Have a look at the experience Sweden had in changing to driving on the right hand side of the road, people expected far more accidents to occur than actually did. People are more flexible than you imagine! -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own