Well I'm reviewing it right now :-). Have you taken a decision on where you'd be putting the copyright as we discussed in emails? -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com "Robert I. Eachus" wrote in message news:3F95FB78.4090305@comcast.net... > sk wrote: > > I would like to propose "Ada95" as the root of the library > > hierarchy. > > I think we should be aiming for the future, not the past. > > > This naming convention could also be used to happily distinguish > > between code strictly for '83, '95 and '0y > > > > Ada83.Gtk, Ada83.SDL, Ada83.Sockets etc. > > Ada95.Gtk, Ada95.SDL, Ada95.Sockets etc. > > Ada0y.Gtk, Ada0y.SDL, Ada0y.Sockets etc. > > What about Ada80.Sockets, Ada87.Sockets, and Ada2000.Sockets? > > The differences between some of these versions, and others not mentioned > is slight. (For example, there were three differences between MIL-STD > 1815A, and ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A, and the second was the page number for > 2-2. ;-) But the current standard really is Ada 2000, although its > formal name is more cumbersome. It is possible to get a copy of TC1 and > see what changed between Ada 95 and Ada 2000, but I prefer to just use > the standard as posted at: http://www.ada-auth.org/~acats/arm.html > > To quote from that page: "When ISO published the Technical Corrigendum, > it did not also publish a document that merges the Technical Corrigendum > changes into the text of the International Standard. However, ISO rules > require that the project editor for the Technical Corrigendum be able to > produce such a document on demand. The document available here is what > the project editor would provide to ISO in response to such a request. > It should be understood that the publication of any ISO document > involves changes in "boilerplate" as well as a review by professional > editors that may introduce editorial changes." > > I'm not trying to be a stickler for accuracy here, just pointing out > that the Ada standard is evolving. I'd hate to have the CAL come out > labelled as Ada95 (or Ada2000) just in time for the Ada 0X standard. > > > I am not trying in any way to usurp RI Eachus' effort, I am > > just trying to keep the ball rolling whilst he is formalizing. > > > > There seems to be a lot of momentum at the moment for defining > > and creating a common/standard library and I want to keep it going. > > > > With the idea of keeping the momentum going, I am willing to > > volunteer a start at doing some of the inventory work to meet > > RI Eachus' proposal and as per any discussion that this message > > invokes.. > > I'll be calling soon. ;-) But right now I could use a couple more > people who know XML to do some reviewing. > > -- > Robert I. Eachus > > "Quality is the Buddha. Quality is scientific reality. Quality is the > goal of Art. It remains to work these concepts into a practical, > down-to-earth context, and for this there is nothing more practical or > down-to-earth than what I have been talking about all along...the repair > of an old motorcycle." -- from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle > Maintenance by Robert Pirsig >