How to get corrects values for Length & Last attributes for a string AFTER it has been defined in the program ? In the following example program, these 2 attributes aren't corrects after Max_Descripteur value is known. Anticipated thanks. Marc with Text_Io; use Text_Io; procedure Test_Tri_Fichier is Max_Descripteur : Positive; subtype Ch_L_Cha�ne is String (1..Max_Descripteur); Fin_Sc : Positive range Ch_L_Cha�ne'range; package Ent_Es is new Text_Io.Integer_Io (Integer); begin Max_Descripteur := 5; Put (" Length : "); Ent_Es.Put (Ch_L_Cha�ne'Length, 5); Fin_Sc := Ch_L_Cha�ne'Last; Put (" Fin_Sc : "); Ent_Es.Put (Fin_Sc, 5); end Test_Tri_Fichier;