TOOLS CONFERENCE SERIES TECHNOLOGY OF OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS TOOLS EUROPE '99 Objects, Components, Agents 29th International Conference and Exhibition Nancy, France, June 7-10, 1999 Conference Chair: Jean-Pierre Finance, Henri Poincar� University, France Programmme Chair: Richard Mitchell, University of Brighton, UK Tutorial & Workshop Chair: Alan Cameron Wills, TriReme International Ltd, UK Organising Committee Chair: Martine Gautier, Henri Poincar� University, France Conference Series Chair: Bertrand Meyer, ISE, USA TOOLS Europe '99 is now soliciting contributions for technical papers, tutorials, workshops, and panels. Submission guidelines are available at IMPORTANT DATES Tutorial, Workshop and Panel proposals: Friday, January 8, 1999 Notice of submission for technical papers: Friday, February 12, 1999 Submission of technical papers: Friday, February 19, 1999 Notification of acceptance: Monday, March 29, 1999 Final manuscripts due at IEEE: Friday, April 16, 1999 Conference: Monday 7 to Thursday 10, June 1999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR MORE INFORMATION ON TOOLS Europe '99 OR ANY OTHER EVENTS IN THE TOOLS CONFERENCE SERIES, VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT OR CONTACT US AT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~