Hi, I'm a beginner in Ada my progs should run either on PC (Windows 95, Gnat 3.10, ANSI.SYS loaded) and Sun Workstations (Solaris, Gnat compiler). My problem is the following: when I use Get_Imediate(Standard_Input, Identifier), in order to get a character form the user, the character stay in the In Buffer, it has no effect in Xterm, but in my DOS windows, when I use a put and get instruction, the previous character is writen on the line. I tried to use Skip_Line(Standard_Input), but I must press the return touch (End_Of_Line), in order to continue the execution of my prog. So I'm wondering, if there is a method to clear the In_Buffer. I would appreciate an e-mail during the week at: crathgeb@dico.epfl.ch.net (remove the ".net" to reply) or during the weekend at: shark@infomaniak.ch.net (remove the ".net" to reply) Et si la r�ponse est en fran�ais c'est encore mieux ;-) ____________________________________ C�dric shark@infomaniak.ch.net (remove the ".net" to reply) EPFL - Switzerland ____________________________________