Robert Dewar a �crit dans le message ... >JPR says > ><portable way. >I have a package that allows you to protect a call to a procedure from >abortion. I plan to put it on Adalog's web site as soon as I find the time >to write the documentation... In the meantime, I can send it to anyone >interested. >>> > >Sure it can be done portably, but only with a heavy interface that is >likely to incur additional overhead. The mere fact that your package >requires documentation suggests its heaviness. The *interface* is extremely simple, but I have as a principle not to put something on my web site unless I have some html file with it to explain what it is about. The *implementation* certainly incurs some overhead (well, it's a trade-off between efficiency and portability). >We have found the pragma >extremely useful in many contexts. Oh, certainly, and especially for the implementation of finalization - I guess. I just mentionned there was a portable solution. I did not mean it was the best solution in every situation, but certainly in the case where you want portable software components.