Look at my homepage, you'll find your answer. My homepage is in french so just follow the links ; (Ada -> voir la page suivante) -- --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member | --| | --| EDF-DER-IPN-SID- Ing�nierie des Syst�mes d'Informations | --| | --| Bureau G1-010 e-mail: pascal.obry@der.edfgdf.fr | --| 1 Av G�n�ral de Gaulle voice : +33-1- | --| 92141 Clamart CEDEX fax : +33-1- | --| FRANCE | --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --| http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pascal_obry --| --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination" Redmond Urbino a �crit dans le message <3484A903.3943@bigfoot.com>... >Does anybody know of a way to get opengl working with gnat in windows >NT? > >Yes, the SGI version of gnat did have support for opengl, but it's >not there in the NT version. > >I do have visual C++, and opengl there works fine. > >Is there a way to get gnat working with the microsoft .libs and >.dlls ? > >Please reply by email. > >Thanks in advance.