"Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz" writes: >Oh, no! Please don't start a LISP versus Prolog debate! Any competent Lisp programmer knows there is _something_ of value in Prolog, and what's more, knows where to find a free Lisp embedding of Prolog for when it's useful. Any competent Prolog programmer knows there is much of value in Lisp, and will look to it for ideas. (Some of the ideas in my Craft of Prolog were stolen from a paper by Boyer & Moore on how to map Fortran to pure Lisp for their theorem prover.) -- John �neas Byron O'Keefe; 1921/02/04-1997/09/27; TLG,TLTA,BBTNOTL. Richard A. O'Keefe; RMIT Comp.Sci; http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/%7Eok