Boyd Roberts wrote in message <651fpg$ngu$>... >In article <650e6p$ahv$>, (Peter Seebach) writes: >> >>English has a wide variety of consonant clusters, and happily adopts >>words from nearly any other language; this has been a great strength >>for it. >> >That is hardly an argument. If you try hard enough you can do it >in any language. Take French: > > CD == c�d� > mail == m�l The key words being "If you try hard enough..." That's a _long_ ways from happily adopting anything that comes along that makes sense! Isn't it France that's fighting a losing campaign to preserve the "purity" of the French language from the "pollution" of foreign words and phrases? Kind of ironic considering French is essentially a bastardization of Latin with some other stuff mixed in... >Yes, they are serious. That's what makes it all the more comical to the rest of us... Larry