> I have an installation CD. All files/directories inside the CD are of > short names (8.3). It also has install batch file, which installs some > files into system. Unfortunately, the batch file is written in such a > way that, it looks for a specific file whose path is of long names. So the install batch file was not written to work with this CD, right? Can you find an install file that *is* intended to work with the CD? > xcopy /T /E. But how to re-convert to long names�. Any ideas?? In general, there's no way to know which of this is a long name this is a longer name was converted to which of thisis~1 thisis~2 Is there something internal to the CD files that would tell the name (for instance, are they Ada source files and you could run gnatchop on them)? Or are there no *~2 files, so the first six characters are unique and you could manually match the 8.3 names against the names expected by the bat file? If so, you could modify the bat file (since you can't change the names on the CD).