ECOOP '97 -- 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming -------------------------------------------------------------------- (short announcement) We are sorry if you receive this message several times over different newsgroups and mailing lists! ECOOP '97 will take place on June 9 - 13, 1997, in Jyv�skyl�, Finland. It is organized by the University of Jyv�skyl�, under the auspices of AITO (Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets), and in cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN. Conference Chair: Boris Magnusson (University of Lund, Sweden / University of Aarhus, Denmark) Programme Co-Chairs: Mehmet Aksit (University of Twente, The Netherlands), Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan) Organizing Chair: Markku Sakkinen (University of Jyv�skyl�) ECOOP is an international conference for both researchers and practitioners, intended to cover the whole area of object-oriented technology. It is generally appreciated for its high scientific quality. The ECOOP '97 proceedings are published by Springer in the LNCS series. The conference comprises: 20 tutorials on Monday and Tuesday (4 parallel sessions) 18 workshops on Monday and Tuesday (11 or 10 parallel sessions) Technical programme from Wednesday to Friday (single stream) - 3 invited talks (Kristen Nygaard, Gregor Kiczales, Erich Gamma) - 7 paper sessions with 20 regular papers - 1 panel discussion (Object-Technology at Industry) Exhibition from Tuesday to Thursday Demonstrations and posters Social programme and accompanying person's programme Pre- and post-conference tours A long text announcement has recently been posted to a few relevant newsgroups, including news.announce.conferences and comp.object. It is also accessible at . For the most up-to-date information, please look at . There is also a WWW mirror site: . Registration can also be done through WWW. Finally, you can get the March version of the complete Advance Programme and Call for Participation in several parts by anonymous FTP from . The documents are in PostScript format in directory /pub/ecoop97/ps , and in straight text and RTF formats (registration form not included) in directory /pub/ecoop97/texts . The deadline for registration at early rates is 9 May. General inquiries about ECOOP '97 can be sent to the Conference Manager, Ms. Taru-Maija Heilala-Rasimov, .