Hi there: As my father is fond of saying "You�ve got to play the percentages." By this he simply means that while nothing in life is guaranteed, it is still a good idea to attempt to arrange matters to give them the best opportunity of working out in your favor. And that is the answer to Ken�s questions. If the Ariane software engineers had the reuse mindset, NOT the specific mechanisms of Eiffel, but the design by contract reuse mindset, then they MAY have written the assertion, and MAY have noticed, while integrating the modules, that the assertion would not have been met. I often specify "impossible" assertions because, human nature being what it is, the impossible will happen, and it is exactly these non intuitive circumstances which cause the most trouble. Now 95% of what Ken has stated about testing and so forth is perfectly correct. And indeed there is no guarantee that the MAYs above would have come to pass. However, it is not unreasonable to speculate that if the integrators had been trained with emphasis on the problems of reuse, the specification error might have been found. Perhaps likely to be found is a bit strong, but I don�t find that stretch much of a sin. Furthermore, the papers primary between-the-lines claim, that we better learn a reuse mindset since we are (finally) entering the age of software reuse, and that the penalties for a reuse error could be disastrous, is not a stretch at all. It is simple common sense. I also find little fault with the implied notion that Eiffel is the language which would have had the best chance of finding this particular error. My reasoning is simple: Eiffel is a thin surface for an idea, the idea of how to specify and reuse software (design by contract etc.). That�s what Eiffel is. Now there may be many areas where Ada would have strengths in solving problems and Eiffel would fall flat on its face. But not on issues of software reuse. Eiffel is simply the best. Finally, I have no problem with Ken�s Putting BM & Co. feet to the flames. I enjoy seeing ideas stress tested and especially enjoy reading about the practical view of those involved in a particular industry. I do, however, object to Ken�s tone in some of his postings. As a reader I feel that I am being shouted at, and I don�t like it. Please keep posting Ken, but post calmer. Thanks, Jeffrey W. Stulin