In article , (Robert A Duff) writes: ... |> I've often thought that it would be an improvement to Ada, if the |> programmer of the function declaration decides whether named or |> positional notation should be used, for each parameter. Instead, Ada |> allows a little bit too much flexibility, for my taste: The programmer |> of each call gets to decide. Also, you can write the parameters in any |> order, if they're named, which you can't do in Smalltalk. A technical note: IMO this discussion confuses the notion of "named parameter" with the notion of "mixfix". AFAIK Smalltalk has not "named parameters" [of course parameters _have_ names inside the method, but not outside]. Positional correspondence is used to bind the arguments in a method-call to its parameter-names. Smalltalk has "mixfix". The name (=selector?) of the method can be split in several words. In the method-call the arguments stand between these words. Ada has "named parameters". The name of the parameters appears (in Ada: can appear) in the function-call. The arguments in the functions-call are bound to parameters by name-correspondence. AFAIK Ada does not have "mixfix" [for userdefined functions - If-then-else might be seen as mixfix-function.] Just my $.02 Ulf Schuenemann -------------------------------------------------------------------- ,_. Ulf Sch�nemann #, \ Fakult�t f�r Informatik, Technische Universit�t M�nchen, Germany. | > v=-<