In article <32E48C50.59E2@Rational.COM> Jerome Desquilbet writes: >Bonjour, > >Je constate un trafic quasiment nul sur fr.comp.lang.ada depuis sa >r�cente cr�ation. Aussi me permets-je de rappeler son existence. > >Merci, > > J�r�me. > >______________________________________________________________________ >Jerome Desquilbet jDesquilbet@Rational.COM > ' ^ There apparently isn't much traffic on fr.comp.lang.ada. This might be because some newsreaders don't carry non-English newsgroups. Mine doesn't. (I've asked for fr.comp.lang.ada, but our system administrator doesn't know how to get it.) Do the English-speaking subscribers of comp.lang.ada object to occasional messages in French on comp.lang.ada? Would it be better to set up a mailing list, Equipe_Ada, similar to Team_Ada, instead? Do-While Jones -- +--------------------------------+ | Know Ada | | [Ada's Portrait] | | Will Travel | | wire | +--------------------------------+