I have a problem using an Optical Floppy from a Motorola 68030 Micro under VxWorks 5.1 Operating System. The problem is the following: I have to develop a program in ADA to write and read from an Optical Floppy that is connected in a SCSI port "/sd0/". I thought it'd be very easy using the ADA procedures OPEN, CLOSE, READ and WRITE but I have encountered that I cannot control if somebody removes the floppy when a write or read operation is running. I think that a DEVICE_ERROR exception must be raised but it doesn't happen. Perhaps, the Operating System creates a temporary file to write an read, and when I CLOSE the file the system phisycally writes data in the floppy, but if this idea is right, Why isn't any exception raised when I CLOSE the file after removing the floppy?? Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance.. BTW: Please e-mail to jrpique@sainsel.es