FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Computer, with New Architecture, Reportedly Outruns Pentium 166 by 180 x A potentially revolutionary computer technology unlike any other seen before will be introduced on December 2 at New York�s St. Regis Hotel at 10:15 AM. On that date, a new type of neural computer with dozens of parallel processors, will run 180x faster than the Pentium 166. The computer, to be called the RICHTER PARADIGM Computer, is based on a new type of architecture that has already been previewed by select editors at key computer, electronics and high-tech trade publications. The computer will be presented, marketed and manufactured by a San Jose-based high-tech company that will soon be listed on NASDAQ. If you have any interest in computers and its potential on applications, then this is a must-see demonstration. Some have already called this the most unique innovation to the computer industry since Oracle was introduced. Highlights of the Press Conference are Expected to Include: A side-by-side hands-on demonstration of the new computer versus a computer running with the Pentium 166; Introduction of the new computer, its architecture and its software; Real-time arbitrage of the commodities market and other demonstrations requiring real-time analysis; TIME: 10:15 AM DATE: Monday, December 2 PLACE:St. Regis Hotel 2 East 55th Street CONTACTS:Peter Collins/Brian Bailey Rubenstein Associates, Inc. or