"Peter Amey" a �crit dans le message de news:bl18e1$6ot2h$1@ID-69815.news.uni-berlin.de... > Some guidance please to reduce the slight panic I am suffering from. > > When reading in values from an external device it is important to check > that the value read is a valid representation for its type. The read > values are also considered volatile so each read returns a potentially > different value. > [...] > (Horrible strawman solution: do an unchecked conversion of External_Port > into Temp and then do the validity check). > Not a horrible solution. You cannot assume your value is a T until you have checked for it! As long as all you know is that it is a set of bits, put it in a variable appropriate for sets of bits. *After* validity checking, you can consider it a T. And Unchecked_Conversion is the appropriate tool for changing the view on a give set of bits. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr