"Pascal Obry" a �crit dans le message de news:ufzi555h8.fsf@wanadoo.fr... > Not flexible is a bit generic to me, what would be nice is to be able to > identify where a script would have helped in a real application. Maybe I can > add something to AWS/Templates to work around that. As you certainly knows > I've build many Web applications using AWS/Templates and I have never felt > restricted... > Time for a plug: I will be presenting a paper at SIGAda 2003 about a typical AWS/mySQL/GtkAda application (and the design patterns that were used). So if you are interested REGISTER EARLY AND SAVE ! :-) In the whole application, there is NO script. And this includes quite sophisticated GUI. Note that nothing prevents you from including Javascript in your templates. I just didn't need it. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr