"Pascal Obry" a �crit dans le message news: uvgk0tb03.fsf@wanadoo.fr... > To have support. One of the reasons we don't use Gnat is that we find more than 10 bugs in Gnat for just one (with easy workaround) in Objectada or Apex. Good support is nothing if you spend more time with the support than with your actual work ... May be that is specific to our code, but we work with our code ... > There is no support for this one, right ? If you find a bug... Up to now, no problem ... Don't worry for us, we'll cry for help if needed :-) Once again, from the customer side, support doesn't mean paying and working for your vendor more than for yourself ... > This is a good example, you have a free (libre) XML library for Java and > ACT. Just use it. But if you want to use it in a commercial software it could > make sense to have support, here it is possible with ACT I doubt you can get > support for the Java library. We have more than 15 years experience in commercial software ... We have been ACT customers, and know people being currently ACT customers May be we are stupid, but as we are responsible for what we do, please let us decide what is good for us :-) > I think the misunderstanding between us is that you talk about product and I'm > talking about support. Or maybe I (one more time) missed the point :) You talk about ACT, I talk about Ada, that is the point.