I am using ActivAda 5.5 for Windows NT and I am having a problem using the posix dll (PSXDLL.DLL). When I run the program windows NT tells me that the dll initialization failed. Here the test program I am trying to use. with text_io; with win32; procedure pidtest is Max_Int_32 : constant := 2_147_483_647; -- (2**31)-1 Min_Int_32 : constant := -2_147_483_648; -- -(2**31) type Integer_32 is range Min_Int_32 .. Max_Int_32; for Integer_32'Size use (32); -- getpid - get process identification function Getpid return Integer_32; pragma Interface (C, Getpid); pragma Interface_Name (Getpid,"_getpid"); I : Integer_32; begin I := getpid; if i = 0 then text_io.put_line("getpid failed"); else text_io.put_line(" pid is: " & integer'image(integer(I))); end if; end ; I have the library c:\aa_552\lib\psxdll.lib in the modules line of the bind options and the search line. The program seems to bind just fine. I did notice in the ActivAda documentation (DLL Support Notes) the following information: �Make sure the new RTS_NT.LIB library is used and not the one that was included in the version 5.5 product release. The new library should have replaced the old RTS_NT.LIB in installation directory by this DLL supplement install script INSTALL.BAT.� If someone from Thomson is listening I would like to know where to get the new rts_nt.lib and install.bat files that are referenced in the above statement. I can�t find them on the CD ROM. Is there anyone else out there who has done this and can offer some advice? Thanks in advance for any help. John O