Frank Schneider wrote: >I'm trying to write a ada program with tasks. >I'm using gnat 2.04 with gcc 2.6.3 and pthreads version 1.60 beta5. Well this is a very old (1 Year) version of GNAT you should try a new one. The last version for Linux is GNAT 3.03 and GCC 2.7.2. >Compiling works fine, but when I try to link my test program I always get some >undefined references like "setjmp" or " pthreds_attr_setprio" . >Does anybody know how to solve this problem ? >Does a more recent gnat or gcc version help? >Greetings >Frank Hope this help, Pascal. --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member | --| | --| EDF-DER-IPN-SID- Ing�nierie des Syst�mes d'Informations | --| | --| Bureau G1-010 e-mail: | --| 1 Av G�n�ral de Gaulle voice : +33-1- | --| 92141 Clamart CEDEX fax : +33-1- | --| FRANCE | --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --| --| --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"