I wrote: >> MUSIC is easier to read when written in C. >> SOFTWARE is easier to read when written in Ada! ����RM��@everywhere.com (����RM��) writes: > I agree Ada's source is easier to read than in > C. But what platform will Ada program run > on? Does it do multimedia, graphics, etc? It depends on the Ada compiler. Ada compilers are available for a very wide variety of platforms. Most of my experience is with a PC, but I've used VAX Ada and Ada on Unix machines. The compiler I'm using at the moment, Open Ada for DOS, doesn't directly do graphics and multimedia. It does, however, let you call the DOS interrupts and interface to assembly language. Thomson Software Products (800-833-0085, http://www.thomsoft.com) sells ActivAda for the PC, starting at $95, which works with Windows 3.1, NT, and 95, and supports 32-bit DLLs. (I have no financial interest in Thomson.) The Ada language standard was revised in 1983 and again in 1995. The compilers mentioned above are Ada 83 compilers, but Thomson is working on an Ada 95 version of ActivAda. The PRINT.ME file in my Ada Tutor program includes a list of Ada compilers for DOS and Windows only. You can find a *complete* list of validated Ada 83 compilers at ftp://sw-eng.falls-church.va.us/public/AdaIC/compilers/83val/val-comp.txt, and a complete list of validated Ada 95 compilers at ftp://sw-eng.falls-church.va.us/public/AdaIC/compilers/95val/95vcl.txt. A "validated" Ada compiler is a compiler that has been tested to meet the Ada language standard exactly, so you know that it's not a subset or superset of standard Ada. This, among other things, tends to make Ada programs more portable than programs in other languages. I hope this helps. - John Herro Software Innovations Technology http://members.aol.com/AdaTutor ftp://members.aol.com/AdaTutor