William Loftus wrote: >Samuel Tardieu wrote: >> >> >>>>> "Bill" == William Loftus writes: >> >> Bill> Has anyone successfully used the GCC profiler with Gnat? What >> Bill> platform? Thanks in advance. >> >> I do this very often with GNAT 3.03 on Solaris 2.[45]. Just use >> gnatmake with arguments "-cargs -pg" and "-largs -pg". This should do >> the job. >> >Actually, I did that, but the applications dumps core. Now that I think of it, I think >we're still using 3.01. I'll have to check 3.03 out. If I remember well, I have done this with GNAT 2.0. So it should be working with GNAT 3.01. Pascal. --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member | --| | --| EDF-DER-IPN-SID- Ing�nierie des Syst�mes d'Informations | --| | --| Bureau G1-010 e-mail: pascal.obry@der.edfgdf.fr | --| 1 Av G�n�ral de Gaulle voice : +33-1- | --| 92141 Clamart CEDEX fax : +33-1- | --| FRANCE | --|------------------------------------------------------------ --| --| http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pascal_obry --| --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"