From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.5-pre1 (2020-06-20) on ip-172-31-74-118.ec2.internal X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.9 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,MSGID_SHORT, T_FILL_THIS_FORM_SHORT autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.5-pre1 Date: 18 Sep 91 23:54:50 GMT From: agate!bionet!!!!zaphod.mps.ohio-state .edu!caen!uflorida!kluge!scs!mackey@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: Re: VAX Ada question. Message-ID: <> List-Id: In article <> yhartojo@enuxha.eas.asu. edu (Francis Hartojo) writes: > > Hi netters, I just have one quick question and it should be trivial for >VAX Ada experts. > > I want to invoke a command line string from an Ada program, how can I >do that? I mean what package should I use? And exactly which procedure will >allow me to do it? > > I am sorry if turns out that there are more than one question. Any >help, suggestion will be greatly appreciated. > >n.b.: if you guys do not mind, I have one additional question (believe me, > this time there is really only one), how do you handle command line > parameters in VAX Ada? > >-- >Francis Hartojo | DECnet: ENVMSA::YHARTOJO > | Bitnet: AUYXH@ASUACVAX.BITNET >Comp. Science & Engr. Department | Internet: YHARTOJO@ENVMSA.EAS.ASU.EDU >Arizona State University | Phone: (602) 921-1342 with Condition_Handling; package System_Parameters is -- Copyright (c) 1990, by Wesley F. Mackey. All rights reserved. type Sysparam is access string; type Sysparams is array( natural range <> ) of Sysparam; System_Parameters_Error : exception; type character_class_kind is ( space, switch, simple, quote, done ); type character_class is array( character ) of character_class_kind; pragma pack( character_class ); which_class : constant character_class := character_class'( ASCII.NUL => done, ASCII.SOH .. ' ' | ASCII.DEL => space, '=' | ',' | '+' | '/' => switch, '"' => quote, others => simple ); type character_set is array( character ) of boolean; pragma pack( character_set ); is_space : character_set := character_set'( ASCII.NUL .. ' ' | ASCII.DEL => true, '!' .. '~' => false ); is_switch : character_set := character_set'( '/' | ',' | '+' | '=' => true, others => false ); is_quote : character_set := character_set'( '"' => true, others => false ); function Get_Sysparams( Min_Count : natural := 0; Prompt : string := "Parameters: " ) return Sysparams; function Last_status return Condition_Handling.Cond_value_type; end System_Parameters; with Unchecked_Conversion, STARLET, SYSTEM; package body System_Parameters is -- Copyright (c) 1990, by Wesley F. Mackey. All rights reserved. Last_status_returned : CONDITION_HANDLING.Cond_value_type; function Last_status return CONDITION_HANDLING.Cond_value_type is begin return Last_status_returned; end Last_status; procedure Get_Foreign( Condition : out CONDITION_HANDLING.Cond_value_type; Command_Line : out string; User_Prompt : in string; Command_Length : out short_integer; Force_Prompt : in out integer ); pragma interface( system, Get_Foreign ); pragma import_valued_procedure( Get_Foreign, "LIB$get_foreign", ( CONDITION_HANDLING.Cond_value_type, string, string, short_integer, integer ), ( value, descriptor, descriptor, reference, reference )); procedure get_Image_Name( Name_param : out Sysparam ) is Image_Name : string( 1 .. 256 ); Image_Name_Length : SYSTEM.Unsigned_word; -- The following code requires understanding of packages SYSTEM and -- STARLET as well as the standard VMS interfaces in order to be -- understood. See the appropriate VMS reference manuals. -- It is, however, an example of how Ada can handle anything assembly -- language can handle. Single_Item_Rec : STARLET.Item_list_type( 1..2 ) :=( 1=>( buf_len => SYSTEM.Unsigned_word( Image_Name'size / SYSTEM.Storage_unit ), item_code => STARLET.JPI_IMAGNAME, buf_address=> Image_Name'address, ret_address=> Image_Name_Length'address ), 2=>( 0, 0, SYSTEM.To_address(0), SYSTEM.To_address(0) )); begin STARLET.GETJPIW( Last_status_returned, itmlst=> Single_Item_Rec ); if not CONDITION_HANDLING.Success( Last_status_returned ) then raise System_Parameters_Error; end if; Name_param := new string'( Image_Name( 1 .. integer( Image_Name_Length ))); end get_Image_Name; pragma page; function Get_Sysparams( Min_Count : natural := 0; Prompt : string := "Parameters: " ) return Sysparams is subtype Param_Range is integer range 1 .. 1024; type Scan_state is ( skipping, in_param, in_quote, stop ); type Scan_action is ( nothing, start, finish, change ); type Transition is record state : Scan_state; action : Scan_action; end record; type DFSM_type is array( Scan_state, character_class_kind ) of Transition; DFSM : DFSM_type := DFSM_type'( skipping => ( space => ( action => nothing, state => skipping ), switch => ( action => start , state => in_param ), simple => ( action => start , state => in_param ), quote => ( action => start , state => in_quote ), done => ( action => nothing, state => stop )), in_param => ( space => ( action => finish , state => skipping ), switch => ( action => change , state => in_param ), simple => ( action => nothing, state => in_param ), quote => ( action => nothing, state => in_quote ), done => ( action => finish , state => stop )), in_quote => ( space => ( action => nothing, state => in_quote ), switch => ( action => nothing, state => in_quote ), simple => ( action => nothing, state => in_quote ), quote => ( action => nothing, state => in_param ), done => ( action => finish , state => stop )), stop => ( others => ( action => nothing, state => stop ))); Param_Line : string( Param_Range ); Param_Length : short_integer; Param_index : integer := Param_line'first; Param_First : array( Param_Range ) of integer; Param_Last : array( Param_Range ) of integer; Param_count : natural := Param_Range'first - 1; Param_max : natural; Current_state : Scan_state := skipping; Current_Trans : Transition; Force_Prompt : integer := 0; begin Get_Foreign( Last_status_returned, Param_Line, Prompt, Param_Length, Force_Prompt ); if natural( Param_Length ) >= Param_line'last or else not CONDITION_HANDLING.Success( Last_status_returned ) then raise System_Parameters_Error; end if; Param_Line( natural( Param_Length ) + 1 ) := ASCII.NUL; while Current_state /= stop loop Current_Trans := DFSM( Current_state, which_class( Param_Line( Param_index ))); case Current_trans.action is when nothing => null; when start => Param_count := Param_count + 1; Param_first( Param_count ) := Param_index; when finish => Param_last( Param_count ) := Param_index - 1; when change => Param_last( Param_count ) := Param_index - 1; Param_count := Param_count + 1; Param_first( Param_count ) := Param_index; end case; Param_index := Param_index + 1; Current_state := Current_Trans.state; end loop; if Param_count > Min_Count then Param_max := Param_count; else Param_max := Min_Count; end if; declare Result : Sysparams( Param_Range'first - 1 .. Param_max ); begin get_Image_Name( Result( Result'first )); for index in Result'first + 1 .. Param_count loop Result( index ) := new string'( Param_Line( Param_first( index ) .. Param_last( index ))); end loop; for index in Param_count + 1 .. Result'last loop Result( index ) := new string'( "" ); end loop; return Result; end; end Get_Sysparams; end System_Parameters; with System_Parameters, Text_IO, Integer_Text_IO; use System_Parameters, Text_IO, Integer_Text_IO; procedure sys_params is Parameters : constant Sysparams := Get_Sysparams; begin for index in Parameters'range loop put( "Parameter(" ); put( index, width=> 3 ); put( " ) = ``" ); put( Parameters( index ).all ); put( "''" ); new_line; end loop; end sys_params; -- -- Wesley Mackey, Ph.D., Lecturer and Laboratory Director -- School of Computer Science, ECS-359, University Park Campus -- Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 -- Phone: 305-348-2744 (x2012), FAX: 305-348-3549 -- E-mail: Mackey@servax.bitnet, --