Jean-Pierre Rosen wrote: > "Martin Dowie" a �crit dans le message > de news:cequjd$9l3$ >> Too late for Ada0Y but maybe for the 5-year 'minor' update standard >> or Ada1Z someone could do this. >> > Not exactly. Of course, an interface to Fortran03 could not be part > of Ada05, but nothing prevents you from designing an interface right > now. It could even have the blessing of ISO as a Workshop Agreement > Standard, without waiting for 5 more years. That's very interesting - perhaps that is a route for including the 'Algorithms' that would have been nice to have with the Containers? They were deliberately excluded as there wasn't going to be time to include anything otherwise. Perhaps additional Containers could be included this way too (e.g. Bounded forms or Quadtree, Fibonnaci Heaps, etc). Cheers -- Martin