i don't know which is te problem... I use the clause use with packages with come with Ada but with my own packages i do not do it .... .i prefer to do it like this... -- -- Ignacio Robledo Rosell mailto:rrilpm@arrakis.es http://zipi.fi.upm.es/~g990406 **************************************** "When code matters more than comercials" **************************************** "Robert A Duff" escribi� en el mensaje news:wccae3pfhge.fsf@world.std.com... > "Nacho Robledo" writes: > > > I am not a good ada programmer but try this piece of code: > > > > C: constant Boolean := MT."<"(A+2,B); > > No, please don't. A good style rule is to never use this notation -- if > you have a binary operator, always use infix notation. Say "use type" > if necessary to make that legal. > > > I am not sure if this will run well but i think is the most common thing you > > can do.... > > - Bob