hello i am a student of computer sciencie. I started studing Ada 95 and Haskell and I can say now that learning both languages had give me a globali vision about programmig. I have worked before in C but it is not a good language for begginers. If i were you, i will teach them Ada and Haskell.... Ada is powerful, structurated and easy (yeah...it's a great language) and learning something about funcitional programming is good too. And haskell is a language very easy. You can introduce them to programming with haskell and then you can follow this with Ada. Luck !!! -- -- Ignacio Robledo Rosell mailto:rrilpm@arrakis.es http://zipi.fi.upm.es/~g990406 **************************************** "When code matters more than comercials" **************************************** "chris.danx" escribi� en el mensaje news:R7RI6.461$EI.140779@news2-win.server.ntlworld.com... > > > I can say that I am not a great friend of making shortcuts in the education > of > > > future software engineers. IMHO the people starting with Java from the start > > > (in our current lab project, the profs are using lots of XP techniques) try > to > > > introduce too much too fast (OOP from day one, etc.). > > > > With Java, you have no option but to introduce OOP quickly. Everything is > > a class in Java. > > > > Which can make things more difficult than they need be. > > > > > So, in your position I would look into Python (my favourite) or Scheme. Or > > > perhaps another functional language like Haskell (there is an interpreter > > > called Hugs). > > > > Why a functional language? I would think a procedural language would be > > easier to teach as a first language, and would provide them with framework > > needed for the languages most programmings being done it. > > > > If I had a choice i'd teach both an FPL (funtional language) and Ada 95 to first > timers. Both styles are different but they have much to offer. I think they > complement each other. Also FP is being taught more and more at Uni and it's > more difficult to teach FP to people who've learned the imperative way first. > Any way this is largely irrelevant Ada would be best if you want to teach IP > first. > > > > 7th grade? Please don't throw a big language like Ada at them. > > > > Why? It seems more important to have a teachable subset (with Ada > > subsetting very nicely) than to have the whole language be small. > > I don't like the idea of teaching a limited language; first, it can > > make examples in the language impossible (cf. _Software Tools_, > > where the encryption routines were removed in the transition from > > Ratfor to Pascal, because they couldn't be written in Pascal.) > > Second, students are probably going to use what they learned first, > > even when it's inappropriate. Note the number of Pascal and Basic > > dialects; people were taught a limited language, and then extended > > it to get the job done. Ada will expand with the learning of the > > student. > > > > I have to agree with you here. The benefit of Ada was that you could learn it > slowly (by this i mean present a few constructs and build on them gradually) and > you can transfer the things you learn in Ada more easily into other languages. > I've mentioned this before but I had real problems with organising my modules in > C and Pascal, but after programmng in Ada for a few months when i went back and > tried to program in C i was able to organise the code better, as far as C would > allow. While i'm not a beginner, i think this says something about Ada. It > promotes good software development practices. This cannot be said about Basic > or indeed Java (it ties you to OOP even when it makes things over complex). > > > Chris > >