I am taking an introductory computer science class at the UW and we are learning the Ada language. So far it's pretty nice. The language seems to lend itself to easy readability, the fact that the language is case insensitive is also a nice factor and the language is incredibly powerful. We're in the second quarter of this class and we're already writing ADT's and generic functions. Ada seems to be pretty neat, strong typing, bounds checking and generic functions are all nice language features, and from what I've seen Ada is a lot better than C. So why is it that the real world, such�as it is, programs in C. Sure, C compilers are cheaper, but it seems to me that the labor that you put into writing and maintaining the programs is the real cost, and I know that, at least for me, writing something in C takes a lot longer than writing something in Ada. So why hasn't Ada caught on? Why aren't people developing applications for it? Jamie Jamison niteowl@u.washington.edu