"Lionel Draghi" wrote in message news:425d9a2e$0$12427$626a14ce@news.free.fr... > jsnX a �crit : > > C and ForTran are fast, but they lack the pleasure/orderlyness > > that comes from OO. It looks like my options are C++ (and|or) Ada. > > Pascal told you about the Shootout (http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/) > Reading this, I would consider Ocaml and Ada, and why not also Eiffel > and Oberon. > I include some simple game programming assignments in my Ada classes. Students have a good time writing the solutions. The graphics tools available for Ada are perfectly sufficient for doing this kind of programming, even though anyone who takes up the challenge will be something of a pioneer. Also, I think some of the work being done by Dr. Wrigley is appropriate to this domain. In particular, his work in high-performance rendering with Ada might be worth learning, if he is willing to share it with those who need to see it. Richard Riehle