with Ada.Text_IO; package Images is subtype Field is Ada.Text_IO.Field; subtype Number_Base is Ada.Text_IO.Number_Base; generic -- Signed_Image type Number is range <>; function Signed_Image (Value : Number; Width : Field := 0; Zero_Filled : Boolean := False; Base : Number_Base := 10) return String; -- Returns an image of Value, at least Width characters wide, in base Base, padded with blanks or zeroes, -- according to Zero_Filled generic -- Modular_Image type Number is mod <>; function Modular_Image (Value : Number; Width : Field := 0; Zero_Filled : Boolean := False; Base : Number_Base := 10) return String; -- Returns an image of Value, at least Width characters wide, in base Base, padded with blanks or zeroes, -- according to Zero_Filled end Images;