a �crit : > > >1) You say that referencing the symbol "foo" from and linking > > against makes your application fall under GPL. Right? > Your *application* isn't GPLed, but the executable file produced by > the linker is GPLed. > > > handle = dlopen ("", ...); > > foo_p = dlsym (handle, "foo"); > > (*foo_p) (....); > > > > You no longer *link* against There is no stronger interaction > > between your application and than you have with "ls" when you > > use system(). > > > > However, the result is technically identical to point 1. > No it isn't. In (1) you are distributing a file that contains > material copyrighted (GPL) by someone else, while in (2) you are > distributing a program whose documentation says "to run this you > will need to have a copy of ... on your system." > It's not a question of strength of interaction. It's a question > of what's in the file(s) you are distributing copies of. No, I don't agree. When you link against a shared library (.so), you don't include anything from the .so file. You just mark a reference and you need the .so file on the target system. So, in both cases you don't redistribute anything that is GPL'ed. -- Thierry ____________________________________________________________________________ Thierry Lelegard, "The Jazzing Troll", Email: CANAL+ Technologies, 34 place Raoul Dautry, 75906 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 1 71 71 54 30 Fax: +33 1 71 71 52 08 Mobile: +33 6 03 00 65 75 ____________________________________________________________________________