Christof: Check on a product called Cool Jex. It used to be known as ObjectTeam and was an OO model of Cadre TeamWork. I think the company name was Sterling Software of Plano, Texas (USA). Mike Simpson Speaking only for myself... DC wrote: > > hello, > Can anyone help me ? > > a. We are currently working (design and analysis maintenance) with a > toolcase : TEAMWORK on unix servers(programming language : ada). > We would like to work on windowsNT instead and continue working with > ada > Does anyone currently work with the case tool TEAMWORK (cadre) for > windowsNT, or has > knowledge of persons, firms that do so ? > Could you please give us some poc ? > > b. Our second option is to change to a new case tool. > Can anyone recomment a good, solid case tool or give some references > ? > > c. The entire development (design and analysis) has been made with the > case tool teamwork. For all > packages , procedures,... we have a graphical view made with the > case tool. That allows to > maintain the application in a much clearer way. it would be most > favorable if all of that work > could be transformed toward the new case tool. > Are there case tools which allow to do such a transfer and is it > possible for the case tools you have > recommended ? > > thx in advance > Christof > > ps. Could you please reply to the following adress : >