Gary Scott wrote: > My company is now developing several projects using Java. The end > product typically is not up to snuff from a usability standpoint. It is > extremely slow and sluggish and the quality of the graphic rendering is > typically below the native OS applications in visual quality. > $0.02 > ... But it does do the graphics and the printing. What I was thinking of was using java for the screen and printing, and jGnat as a bridge to Gnat where the computation, IO, etc. would be done. This said, I do understand that the Java event model has heavy compute penalties. The quality may be below native OS applications (seems that way to me, also), but all I need are dialog boxes (large ones, 'tis true, and several of them). I don't really see ANY other answer. Outside of do everything in Java, which while confining would work. If most of the Java overhead is in the screen handling, then that might actually be the best choice. I DON'T want to tie myself to one OS. -- (c) Charles Hixson -- Addition of advertisements or hyperlinks to products specifically prohibited