Marco van de Voort wrote: > ... Then this is a misunderstanding! Maybe you think it > >is a sort of *float � la C ? Not at all: simply you declare variables > >v: vector(1..100) and so on; you can pass them into "+"(v1,v2: vector) functions > >and you have the range with attributes v1'first, v1'last, v1'range,... > >To be even more reassured, use subtypes: "subtype matrix33 is matrix(1..3,1..3);" > >It's that simple: type safety of Pascal, flexibility of C/Fortran! > > Sounds like Delphi style dynamic arrays. > > >As for submarines, you're right. Since C/C++ is said to replace Ada in US embedded > >systems.. glups... I don't know Delphi, but that's a static (as in not changing characteristics at run time) array. There are also various more dynamic forms (e.g., unbounded strings), but that one was static. -- (c) Charles Hixson -- Addition of advertisements or hyperlinks to products specifically prohibited