Robert Dewar wrote: > > In article <>, > Rainer Aigner wrote: > > And I want to make sure, that a read with the 8-bit type is > > performed by a "load byte", and the 16-bit type by a "load > > halfword" assembler statement. > > There is absolutely NOTHING in the RM, or anywhere else that > would imply it is appropriate to expect this usage of > instructions, and there is nothing wrong in a compiler that > does not follow this expectation, and there is no way to That completle correct, and I got the problem. My idea was, if I can overload all the other operators and even can implement my own heap, and many more (and all by language), maybe I have a chance to influence the assignment. Regarding to the point, that my sw is in RISC Class 1 and code coverage... It would also be much less effort to validate the code. cause right now I have some 2000 line just with direct assembler. And it will be many more. Up to this point, I can live it, but couldn't it been that I just doesn't saw the right way? > insist that the compiler follow this expectation. > > If your code depends on this, then the ONLY legitimate way > to achieve this is to write machine language insertions > or instrinsics that generate the instructions you need. > Any other solution is incorrect, and may cause significant > difficulties in porting the application to another compiler > or to another system. Right now I writing code on 3 different plattforms, with 3 different compilers. The thing with porting to another system will be difficult for a TSAP (Target Specific ADA Package). > > Sent via > Before you buy.