Peter, I've been able to "automagically" spool a file to the printer when closing on a DEC(Compaq?) VAX using the FORM string when the file is opened: with Text_IO; procedure Print_Me is -- This procedure illustrates how to use the VAX/VMS Ada FORM -- parameter in a file create statement. The form string is -- written in DEC/VAX FDL, and specifies the creation of an -- output file which is printed and deleted upon close. It is -- used the same as entering "PRINT/DELETE FILENAME" from DCL. Printer : Text_IO.File_Type; -- File "Handle" begin -- Print_Me Text_IO.Create(File => Printer, -- Internal file handle Mode => Text_IO.Out_File, -- Output file type Name => "PRINT.OUT", -- Name of external file Form => "FILE;" & -- FORM string; file type "PRINT_ON_CLOSE YES;" & -- Print it "DELETE_ON_CLOSE YES;"); -- Discard afterwards Text_IO.Put_Line(Printer, "And away-y-y we go-o-o-o-!"); -- What's printed Text_IO.Close(Printer); -- Now do "PRINT/DELETE FILE.OUT" end Print_Me; Peter Hermann wrote: > we need help: > (First of all, our primary goal is portability) > We create, write (several ada.text_io.put_line), > and close a text file. > Thereafter we want to spool that file to the printer > in order to let it print asynchronously. > How should we do this from within the Ada program? > We do need that action from within the running Ada program. > > Do we need an implementation dependent operating system command call? > If yes, what is the name of that call? > > -- > Peter Hermann Tel+49-711-685-3611 Fax3758 > Pfaffenwaldring 27 Raum 114, D-70569 Stuttgart Uni Computeranwendungen > > Team Ada: "C'mon people let the world begin" (Paul McCartney)