I hear about this problem quite a bit from my Ada students. Reading/Writing fixed-length strings: Get_Line(Name, Last); -- Reads 0..Last number of characters into Name string Put (Name(1..Last)); -- Put ONLY characters just read to output! Hope this helps! Yours in Ada, John Defiant wrote: > hi im writing a program for a uni assignment and it is complete and works > yet i have set the string type to a min of 1 to a max of 20 characters for a > name input... > > the problem i am having is i am using the Get_Line(Name, Last) statement to > get the name they feed in and the Put(Name); procedure to output... the > problem is ada compiler grabs whatever extra numerals hex and garbage that > is left in RAM to fill the extra places between 1 and 20... that the name > that was input doesnt fill .... > > any suggestions ... > > Thanks