Bard, et. al., I can't speak for any publisher, but there WAS a nice Ada 83 "nutshell" (although not by the O'Reilly folks) book entitled "Ada Programmer's Handbook" by Dean W. Gonzalez, 1991, Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company, Inc. I picked it up at a book sale, and thought it was a wonderful handbook. We certianly need such a book for Ada 95! Please let me know how you make out! John "Ada Forever" Cupak BSCrawford wrote: > Teamers, > > The need for a small book called "Ada for Dummies" was discussed > here a while back, and someone suggested it should be called > "Ada for Smart People" instead. > > Well, I have drafted a small volume called "Ada Essentials: > Overview, Examples and Glossary" and now I am hoping to find a > publisher. This is new territory for me, and I seek any advice > you teamers care to give, as to specific publishers I might > contact or how to go about this process in general. > > By the way, I plan to make this volume available in several > different forms (some electronic) -- one of which is a > browser-based collection of web pages. I would be happy to > send a copy of the current draft to, say, each of the first 20 > teamers who request one from me directly via email (not through > this list). > > Bard S. Crawford >