Jeff and group... Here's the Ada code I used to illustrate printing a file and deleting it after close on the DEC system: with Text_IO; procedure Send_To_Printer is Printer : Text_IO.File_Type; begin Text_IO.Create(File => Printer, Mode => Text_IO.Out_File, Name => "Print.dat", Form => "FILE;" & "PRINT_ON_CLOSE YES;" & "DELETE_ON_CLOSE YES;"); Text_IO.Put_Line(Printer, "And away-y-y-y we go-o-o-o-!"); Text_IO.Close(Printer); end Send_To_Printer; Hope this helps! Yours in Ada! John J Cupak, Jr., CCP Jeffrey D. Cherry wrote: > >> I don't think you want to ask "Is there a way to make ada not write > >> temporary files to the root directory?" since it's not really a language > >> issue. I view it as an implementation issue. > > > The Form parameter is usually used for this kind of thing. > > Although, if memory serves, this is correct for VMS, in general I would > have to say that I haven't found that to be true. I've found the Form > parameter to be used for specialized file access, security requests, and > the like. Not to force the file to be temporary. If you could, please > provide some examples of compiler/OS pairings that create temporary > files using the Form parameter. I would appreciate it since that's why > I read CLA ... to learn new things. Thanks in advance. :) > > >> I would have thought that GNAT would create the temporary file in a > >> directory where the user has write access. > > > Is there a Form parameter for GNAT, to specify where the temporary file > > gets declared? > > I'd have to check the GNAT documentation and the GCC documentation but I > believe the only Form parameter accepted under any of the Windows > systems is "shared=yes" or "shared=no", or, of course, a null string.