Hi! I am a student studying for my degree in the UK I am having problems with GNATS compiler for Windows 98. I am trying to use the CALENDER packager but keep being told that it can't be found. The file is in the library directory and I tried putting it in the same directory as the source file but to no avail. The code is as follows, it is going to be used as a timing package for an automated machine line. This basic code doesn't do much I just wanted to check out how it worked. Any help would be much appreciated and I don�t want someone to WRITE THE CODE for me, just help with the compilation would be great. Thanks Stacey Couch Staceycouch@mcmail.com with Calender; use Calender; procedure Time1 is package Time_Io is new Fixed_Io(Day_Duration); use Time_Io; T:Day_Duration; X:Float; begin T:=Secound(Clock); Time_Io.Put(T); New_Line; for Z in 1..1000 loop X:=5.23234; end loop; T:=Secounds(Clock); Time_Io.Put(T); New_Line; end Time1;