Dear Sir/Mam, I am applying for a full time job position of design engineer in your company. I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Electrical engineering at Michigan Technological University and will be graduating in July '98. I have been working with the VLSI group in MTU on various modelling and design aspects of VLSI interconnections. I am also a teaching assistant in Michigan tech. My coursework at Michigan Tech and Vivekanand Institute of technology (my undergraduate school) has prepared me well to contribute to your organisation. My analytical and logical skills have been sharpened by several design projects which are a part of the course curriculum. A strong personal work ethic, an outgoing personality, and a desire to excel combined with my work experience assures that I will be a suitable candidate. A call to my references will assure that I have the technical and interpersonal skills to make working enjoyable as well as productive. I have enclosed my resume with this letter and I would greatly appreciate an oppurtunity to further discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience. I can be reached by phone at "906-487-6154" and also by e-mail at "" Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Umesh Painaik OBJECTIVE : Application for a design engineer position. NAME : Umesh D. Painaik HOME ADDRESS : 225 Hubbel St. ,apt 1 Houghton ,MI 49931-1533 phone- 906-487-6154 WORK ADDRESS : Michigan Technological University 1400 ,Townsend drive Houghton ,MI 49931-1533 E-Mail : EMPLOYMENT HISTORY :1) Worked in Patni Computer Services as a Junior Design Engineer from 2/96 to 8/96 2) Teaching Assistant at Michigan Tech. University From 10/96 to till date. Recitation in pspice network analysis, Magic and VLSI design. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND : 1)B.E. ELECTRONICS ,VESIT ,BOMBAY,1996. GPA 3.6 2)Currently in Second year M.S.E.E. with VLSI option in Michigan Tech univ.,GPA 3.7. ADDITIONAL SKILLS : 1) Knowledge of VHDL,MAGIC,VIEWSIM,Schematics, Verilog(Learning),Powerview,Xilinx (Learning),Cadence Valid, Altera MAX+PLUS2, Smartspice,Spice,Athena,Atlas,TCAD 2) Knowledge of C,HTML,Java(Learning),UNIX,DOS 3) Taken courses in -- Advanced electronic design -- VLSI (GaAs)interconnections -- Advanced semiconductor physics -- Advanced microprocessors and memory elements -- Computer architecture -- Digital signal processing -- Digital communication -- VLSI fabrication 3) Thesis topic- `Multisectional Interconnections' RESEARCH BACKGROUND : 1) Project leader in Developing a `DRAM Controller' using Powerview and viewsim in undergrad. 2) Surveys on `SiC applications' and `Ion implantation using Lasers'. 3) Research on `Frequency variance in High speed semiconductor interconnections' in summer 97-98. 4) Developement and simulation of `DRAM Controller' and 'Hamming decoder'using VHDL. 5) Currently working on CADENCE VALID and TCAD. 6) Currently working on a proposal topic `High Speed Multisection interconnections and their feasibility' HONORS : 1) Dean's list in two successive years in undergraduate studies. 2) Best programmer's award in undergraduate studies. OTHER INTERESTS : 1) Treasurer of Indian students association in Michigan Tech 2) Student body President in Undergrad University. 3) Graduate Student Council member in Michigan Tech. 4) Member of the Soccer team. 5) Member of Worldwide Indian network. VISA STATUS : F1-Visa AVAILABILITY : July 1998 (Willing to relocate) REFERENCES : Available upon request